Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Crustations class at Palmers

I went this past Saturday to Palmers Direct to you market here for a cooking class/demo/tasting. It was awesome!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Lemon Sorbet`

This is the second batch of a "sorbet" type of recipe I have done. Gary and Brandy gave me one for a good Dark Chocolate Sorbet (yes I will give that to you later!) and then this one, a Lemon Sorbet, is my second.

I tried to start the freezing process last night, but my inner bowl was not frozen enough.
I need to leave it in overnight pretty much. Or if I do two a day, I need to do one early morning and the other late evening.

The recipe says to go by ice cream maker times, so I set it for 40 min. It was ready in exactly 40 min! Now I also made a small portion last night after I made the base mix. The lemon flavor was fresh, but the condensed milk was too rich and chalky tasting.

The result today, after letting the base mix sit in the frig overnight is a much more mellow delightful lemony mix that was not so raw and rich tasting.

Drenched in light flavor yes, chalky no!


Yes I had to lick the bowl just before I put the Sorbet in the freezer!


-1 qt 1% Milk (4 cups)

-1 can Condensed Milk

-3 Lemons, juiced

-2 cups white Sugar

Mix both milks and sugar till sugar disolves. Add Lemon juice and stir. Put in frig overnight.

Begin with very frozen ice cream maker core. I processed mine with the padel for 40 minutes. Move to container and put in freezer.

If mixture does not freez up well, you can put it back in frig till ice cream maker is solid frozen again or just put in frig in container. Since a creamy base mix, you can go back and use a fork and shave it up too.



Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Roma tomato canning class at the North Coast Co-op in Eureca

Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 1

"There is no spectacle on earth more appealing than that of a beautiful woman in the act of cooking dinner for someone she loves." ~ Thomas Wolfe

There is nothing more enjoyable for me than to cook for people, more importantly people I love. Family, friends or just my neighbors, it doesn't matter, I do love it.

It relaxes me in the most genuine way. I can get lost in it so easily. Yes its true, I can get lost in many things that are creative. So Cooking = creative endeavor. they are the same to me.

So is painting, beading, crafting, woodworking, GARDENING, junkin`, traveling and sewing. All of them transform time for me.

How often do I look up to see that the only light on in the entire house is the one on my table in front of me. I have sat there and been creative in some way for so long the sun has set with my ever noticing a bit.

I plan to share all my explorations here. I have other blogs, and they all seem to not be where my heart is......this seems to sum up the better essence of me.
